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SpamDupe Email Protection

For anyone new to our Email Protection Filter, a good way to start is by playing our 2 minute video...

Daily Activity Reports

Every morning you’ll receive a “last 24 hours” report showing messages blocked, received and more.  With a simple click you can review blocked messages, send them to you inbox, discover why good messages were blocked, why bad messages weren’t, and more.  Fully functional, all options available for end users to perform. 

Web Console Access

Wan’t to search your entire account for a message missing from 3 months ago? How about recovering an email deleted long ago, or to allow an entire domain of users unrestricted delivery to your inbox?  All that and more is done here. 

the process for signing into the spamdupe filter

Access From Anywhere

Easy access to all your messages and settings from any computer, any website browser, anywhere.

picture of a philosopher representing or philosophy of mail security
We take a different view of e-mail than other anti-spam solutions. Our primary focus is not simply blocking unwanted messages, but allowing legitimate messages through.

An e-mail security product should be safe, secure and reliable. DataDupe is based on the following principles:

     1. Legitimate mail must get through

DataDupe’s first goal is to identify and accept legitimate e-mail. Our unique approach ensures we have extremely low false positive ratings. Business e-mail must get through!

     2. Email Servers must be protected

E-mail is business-critical. Mail servers are under constant attack from spammers, hackers and other rogue entities. Using DataDupe as the first point of contact, the mail server is effectively insulated from the Internet. Using  DataDupe also reduces the amount of traffic that reaching our mail servers – a lower load for us translates  to better performance for you.

     3. Spam should be stopped at the edge of the network

You have three opportunities to block spam & viruses: at the edge of the network, on the mail server and on your PC Desktop. Malicious e-mail poses a significant risk to your company’s infrastructure; it needs to be blocked as soon as possible. DataDupe acts as an e-mail firewall, protecting servers and desktops at the edge of the network.

     4. Information is power

DataDupe includes powerful reporting and search tools to show exactly what is happening with your e-mail systems. We provide metrics so you can monitor your infrastructure and make better decisions to ensure you are getting the best return on your investment.

     5. Anti-spam solutions should free your users

Your anti-spam solution should be accurate and effective, without requiring constant attention from administrators and users. Using adaptive techniques DataDupe is able to self train, freeing up your administrators and users to be more productive. DataDupe watches your e-mail traffic and learns who you are, who you know and what you do. Your anti-spam solution should not be more onerous than the problem it’s trying to solve.

     6. E-mail addresses belong on your website

Make it easy for your customers to contact you: Put your e-mail addresses on your website! While spammers do harvest e-mail addresses from web sites, DataDupe makes it safe again. We have tools that identify spammers who gather e-mail addresses from your website – and we stop them.

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