You paid to fix your computer, and you need help again. Don’t pay for everything again – and again.
Exchange Email Account with (no more or
Quarterly system updates to protect your system
Removal of viruses, malware, adware detected
Setup remote access for you, to your computer at home or office without service fees
Ant-virus and Malware protection that works
Incident repairs for e-mail issues, printer connectivity, program malfunctions, “How To” support for programs and more
Data synchronization with phone, tablets and other computers
System optimized for best performance
Unlimited consultations for upgrades, purchases, mail, anything computer related
Annual Membership Details…
All support by remote access or phone. Call or email for appointment.
Cloud backup One account with 100GB data plan.
Password Manager One account, installed on one computer.
Hosted Exchange One email account, one domain name. 100GB plan.
Incident Support 10 total in addition to maintenance.
Email Certificate One account, one device.
SpamDupe Email filter for new email account.
Remote Computer Access for you, to your office or home PC – one account
Data Synchronization Unlimited devices.
Consultations Unlimited.
New Bonus Services